Sony wants Microsoft to succeed? Say Wha?!


Sonys President of Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida has stated that he wants Microsofts Xbox 360 to succeed in Japan to push the concept of HD gaming to local consumers.....

In the interview with he goes on to say "I like to see people here in Japan showing interest in high-definition gaming and more sophisticated gaming experiences,"

"In terms of realistic-looking graphics and smarter AI, they haven't really shown the appetite for what this generation of gaming can offer. I'd really like to see both PS3 and 360 succeed here."

"What Microsoft is offering and what we are offering are closer, compared to what other platforms are offering. Because of that commonality, the new games coming out on 360 and PS3 help to get consumers more interested in this generation of gaming," he added.

WTF?! A first if I've ever heard one, did Microsoft put something in Sonys Kool Aid ? because if so I want some! In all seriousness I think that this type of mentality
could benefit both Sony and Microsoft in the long run. If consumers start accepting HD gaming on a more mass scale then they are currently, sales for both companies will improve ten fold. It just shows you how dominating the Wii has been to have made former rivals compliment one another for the sake of more market share!

1 comment:

OmgImOnFire said...

What ever happened to the saying "If you cant beat them, join them".

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