Fable 2 Launch Trailer!


Even though a lot of people thought the original Fable was underdeveloped and didn't live up to the hype, for some reason I loved it. The game while not fully realized had an unbridled charm, that made it hard not to like. Peter Molyneux has promised that a lot of improvements have been made for the sequel (without putting his foot in his mouth) and so far it looks like he might have actually succeeded. The game comes out on October 21st so be on the lookout for a review, right here at Cerebro News.

Thanks to Kotaku for the trailer!


OmgImOnFire said...

I will become a god among men.

Smooth said...

I enjoy this style of RPG and welcome the coop option. From what I've seen tho it still isn't that exciting to me. I liked the way they implemented the story in Fable 1, but the fighting style didn't feel that dynamic to me. I know its a button masher, but with the (imo) high quality of story telling I wish the fighting mechanics were more mature. But to their credit the game is focused on the more cartoonish aspects of rpgism.

Smooth said...

Ok I gotta admit, I posted before watching the clip....I apologize. This game looks sick! Still cartoonish but WOW, uber customizable characters? Finishing moves? I hope they made the game long enough (20+ hrs to complete)!

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