I'm sure this rumor has raised the blood pressure of all PS3 owners across the globe while putting a smile on all Xbox360 owners faces at the same time. Metal Gear Solid 4, which was promised to be a Playstation exclusive may in fact be coming to the Xbox 360 due to high demand for the game. At the Tokyo Game Show, Konami PR Yoshitaka Arai was quoted saying, " The worldwide demand for an Xbox 360 version (of MGS4) is quite high, and it is something we are currently looking in to." Cerebronews will keep you posted on this suprising development.
Ok.........let me ask you guys a question. What's the point of having multiple videogame consoles if every damn "exclusive title" is gettin ported to the competing systems? You remember the days of Playstation 1 and N64 when people were able to take pride in their specific system due to the unique titles each had?? It seems like none of the systems have anything really special to offer nowadays. This disaster all started with Sonic heading to freakin Nintendo. Now, we got Final Fantasy on 360. What next.... Halo on PS3?
Your logic doesn't work because first of all, Sonic went to Nintendo (and other consoles for that matter) because of Sega closing its doors to the console business. Square Enix and Konami are both third parties, only concerned about their bottom line. So before you report on something make sure you do your research. Halo going to the PS3? Its a first party title.....lmfao
I dont know about you guys, but i have six consoles. (Wii, Xbox360 elite, ps3, gamecube, xbox halo ed., ps2)not to mention my 60' 1080p with Onkyo sound system. so I think either way im playing a game I want. redardless of the "exlcusiveness". Anonymous, even though Sega closed its doors on the console business, bottom line is that sonic went to different consoles. And "What next... Halo on PS3?" is a figure of speech dipshit, use some common sense.
Personally (being an avid fan of the MGS series and currently owning a 360 as my "next gen" console) i'm kinda excited about the possiblility! Although I do remember with fond memories picking a console based on the games it featured. Its kind of the same now i.e. most of Nintendo's stuff is pretty exclusive as far as its Mario brand is concerned, but the line between PS3 and the XBox 360 is definitely beginning to blur. If this trend continues the 360 will have the edge in my opinion since its still considerably cheaper. Oh and Anonymous wtf are you talkin about? The statement was about exclusive titles which if you're going to tag them as exclusive means they stay on one console (thus promoting sales of that console). I'm sure some people bought a PS3 b/c they knew MGS4 could only be played on that specific console so the fact that Konami is now reversing that statement is sure to cause controversy. Please carefully read the statement before posting, it will help you from looking like an ass....
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