In efforts to achieve a Teen rating to appeal to a larger videogame audience, Midway has decided to tone down the violence in MK VS. DC. An example of this is seen in Joker's original fatality move. At first it was intended for Joker to shoot his opponent with a fake gun that has a flag saying "BANG!." Immediately after this, he shoots them in the head with a real gun. Now this was a pretty awesome idea. Unfortunately, to keep the T-rating, they do not allow players to see their opponents shot with the real gun anymore. This, and any other aspects of the game that are "too mature" will be taken out. Click here to check out the great Joker fatality that is now being toned down for the teen rating. Thanks Midway!!
I hope you all know that I said "Thanks Midway!!" with as much sarcasm as possible. I know Midway is in need of money, but come on, they are ruining the whole meaning behind Mortal Kombat. When I even here the words Mortal Kombat, the first thing that pops in my mind is "FINISH HIM!" Combining Mortal Kombat with DC superheroes (characters who do not kill) was already questionable to me, and now they're taking out the few things that I did find cool about it. I'm having a bad feeling about this one. What does everyone else think?
Wow...that sucks, but isnt very surprising. damm, Joker's fatality was raw as hell before.
Fuck the kids. I want an M rated MK Vs. DC. Hell I'd even reserve a copy if they made it AO!
Just another example of a developer choosing cash over content....and I'm not even a huge MK fan. Being able to obliterate your opponent in a humorous or grusome manner was what MK was all about. Some things just shouldn't change....
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