More Force to be Unleashed?


LucasArts plans to release new characters and a new single player campaign set in the Jedi Temple as downloadable content for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed in coming months, Force Unleashed executive producer Haden Blackman told Kotaku.

The content will be coming to be the 360 and PS3 version of the game. No specific date or prices have yet been set for the downloadable content.

In the coming months Lucas Arts will release a downloadable content pack featuring additional costumes and character models that can be used to play through the single-player campaign. The new models will include Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Kit Fisto.

The skins we decided to release were "based on what we heard from fans," Blackman said. "But some were from us. We thought Ki-Adi-Mundi or Kiit Fisto would be exciting to see running around in our game."

While the new skins simply give you a new way to play through the existing content, the new level will be played out on a beefy new map and includes quite a bit more plot.

Due out later this year, the new single-player mission is set in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice travels to the temple to learn more about his father, and while searching through the rubble of the destroyed building he confronts his inner demons.

Check out the full article here.

I guess thats awesome news for Force Unleashed fans, It just wasn't enjoyable enough for me to go out and buy it. If the content is any good I might give it a second look.


OmgImOnFire said...

i wish they had this game for pc....

Anonymous said...

OmgImOnFire said...
i wish they had this game for pc....

maybe buy a PS3 or X-Box then duche bag