The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes


According to superherohype, Marvel Animation is beginning production on The Avengers animated series. Film Roman, the company behind "The Simpsons" and "King of the Hill," have been hired to produce the 26-episode series. It is planned to be released in 2011 in time for Marvel Studios' release of The First Avenger: Captain America and The Avengers films.

If they put effort into this series similar to the way DC did with the Justice League series, comic book fans are in for another great cartoon.

1 comment:

Smooth said...

I like the fact that they are starting this early and plan to release it around the time of the up and coming Marvel Movies. I was worried for a while the comic books would fade into history (since sales had been drastically decreasing in the past 10 years) but with the current success of comic inspired movies and smart planning like this there is hope!

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